3 days late and counting...
So, our baby was due last Friday, March 17. That day came and went with little fanfare. The next day came and went, as did the next, and today's almost over. where is that dang baby!
Today, I met with the midwife, and she said we're doing all the right things to bring on labor, not much else can be done. I got a phone call from my friend Gabrielle who told me both her kids were 10 days late, so that settled my mind a bit. My friend Riquelle told me she'd send me some good energy, and she's so powerful it might just work...
We're just waiting for the little peach pit to come out. Our doula said to just relax and forget about labor, soon enough I'll be breathing through contractions. That was nice to hear, as she's assisted over 450 births!

Joel's at school cranking away at the transportation paper that won't go away. He's basically buried in schoolwork, though fortunately has a sharp work partner named Darius. Sounds like they are pulling one another through a never-ending assignment. I mean, it must be bad, Joel came home and picked up 2 lone beers we had in the fridge that were left over from a party. I have to chuckle, cos Joel rarely drinks, those two must be suffering!
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