Monday, January 08, 2007

And now for a break from our regularly scheduled programming...


Perusing a blog I occasionally read, I just found out that Tibet is having unseasonably warm winter weather. It's not just Boston where you can wear shorts in the winter! This news is very disturbing to me. Though I know the issues require global effort to slow down the changes, we all have a hand in global warming. I've half a mind to get our family to follow the efforts of "The Compacters" -- a group of people in San Francisco who decided to eschew buying anything new for a year. It might help a little, at least for peace of mind.


Blogger tik-tiki said...

this year we had a big man from the german consulate (complete with white eyebrows) who pronounced to the children that he had just come in from the snowy himalayas where he had caught a cold. He told the kids that if THEY ever caught a cold, "be sure to ask your mom for some of that yak butter tea!" now, even I am a believer!

5:16 PM  

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