Fun and Funny videos
Some funny videos to watch while you're waiting to have a baby...
This is a trailer of footage from "The Shining" (the ominous movie starring Jack Nicholson) recut to make the movie look like a feelgood treat.

Translates to: Shingo Mama's Mornin' Rock. A cross-dressing Japanese singer, Shingo Mama, advocates the use of "oha" as an abbreviation for the Japanese greeting ohayĆ which means "good morning". Lots of random "oha"-spouting people bop in and out to join in the fun. Includes a cameo appearance of James Brown, just because. Apparently this somehow turned into a Japanese government campaign for family communication. If you like this, you can also check out Shingo Mama No Oha live!
How to Fold a Shirt
If you're a closet domestic, be sure to check out this video, it is soooooooooooo cool! Who would know folding a shirt perfectly could be so easy!
The Axeman
For fans of rock guitar only, the axeman really gets going halfway through this video.
Ping Pong Game
Japanese comedy sketch. Gets really good midway.

Rock Video from Molvanian superstar "Vlad"
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