Happy Halloween

Her costume? You asked for it folks and you got it. A Hasidic man. Don't know what a Hasidic man is? You can read all about it here.
In a nutshell, the Hasids are Jewish religious movement that originated in Eastern Europe in the 1700s. They still wear the garb common in Eastern Europe during that time. The lynchpin of the look for Ila is the peyos, which are curly locks right around the ears.
Anyway, the brilliant idea sprung from a comment my sister-in-law, Susan, made -- who noted that Ila "really has the Hasidic thing goin' on" with her curly locks around her ears.
Joel swore no one would be offended by dressing her in such a costume, and even suggested we call her Yentl, after the character made famous by Babs Streisand. So a star was born.
Not to say that we really got the look right. I tried to get her peyos right, but heck, I used some of Joel's hair product, and it sort of greased her locks rather than make them curl. She looks a little more like an Amish boy than a grown man, especially with the lack of facial hair. But what the heck. People loved it and so did I!
I really love her little gender bending suit, too. Wouldn't it look cute with a tie?
Suggestions for next year's costume being taken now.
I'm weeping with joy! You've made our Williamsburg days come alive.
Auntie Julie
Oy. So much nachas from one girl. You must be kvelling.
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