Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Pray for me

Why do I have to learn about Ham radio? Why? Why do I have to learn about circuit components and circuits? (If you are really driven, bored and out of the loop, click here to read why I am even bothering to learn about Ham radio.)

Morse code is another thing altogether. I don't mind learning it. I love it. My uncle bought me a great set of audio cds to learn morse code fas called Code Quick. Each letter is remembered not by memorizing the traditional dots and dashes, but through soundalikes. For example in morse code, the "d" is - ** (dah di di). But in the wonderful world of soundalikes, the sound associated with "d" is "dog did it." The image (pictured) of the dog "doing it" is a dog taking a poo on a carpet.

So, to learn "d" you commit the image of the dog and his horrible deed to mind -- along with the soundalike "dog did it" -- while you listen to the a "d" being keyed in morse code. In addition, and this is the best part, the creator of the program narrates a story that is designed to have an emotional charge. For "d" the story goes something like this: "look at that dog. he left a stinking mess on the carpet. this is something we can all relate to... who in your family is going to get the privilege of cleaning it up?."

For each letter of the alphabet, I get a similarly delightful and amusing story and image. To see for yourself how it works, check out this little clip on the Code Quick website.

Now, back to studying.

Oh yeah, pray for me, my test is this weekend. I am far from being able to pass it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll do better than pumpkin head.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, how did you do? Hope you will let us all know!

9:29 PM  

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