What's in a Name? Ila Violet Cecily

ILA - Her first name rhymes with "Lila" -- meanings are "earth" in Hindi, "from the islands" in old French, "tree" in Hebrew, and "light" in Greek. Can you imagine so many meanings? And the best part, we thought Joel made it up, didn't even realize it was a proper name when we selected it. The day we had her, Joel said to me, "This is just an idea, but what do you think of the name 'Ila,' like 'I love'?" It just made my heart melt to have our little girl named after love, so I said "yeah, that sounds great." And now she's got a whole host of nature oriented meanings.. how nice for her!
Violet - I have always loved flower names for girls. Some friends have babies with the lovely names of Lily and Rose and something similarly old fashioned sounding and delicate appealed to me. We love the sound of "ILA Violet."
Cecily - It's a Jewish tradition to honor someone who has died by naming a child after them -- even by using a name with the first initial. Cecily honors two of her great great grandmothers -- Celia on Joel's side, and Christina on my side.
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