Potty Training Humor

The photo you see is the first time Ila peed into her potty. I gave her a piece of toilet paper and she promptly dipped it into the potty and held it up dripping wet for the world to see.
Humorous anecdote: Ila was running around without a diaper a few weeks ago, and did a tiny poo on the carpet. I whisked her up and set her on her potty which she vehemently protested. So I cleaned her up, thinking "hmm she must be done defecating" (foreshadowing). A few minutes later, I noticed her crouched down near the cat food bowls, with another little poo beneath her. I came over to clean it up and as I looked down, I saw full-sized log in the cat's water bowl. I say that's one smart little cookie, she knows that we poop in the water, so she wanted to, too. I wonder if she understood my explanation that "we don't poo in there, that's Saucy's water cup..."
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