Packaging Project

Ha. After throwing an empty mustard container away (my husband goes through about 1 a month) while simultaneously reading Little House in the Big Woods to my daughter, I got curious about just how much packaging we use. I mean, it's basically paper, compostables and packaging waste we produce, right? (I try to take everything else to the thrift store).
Now I'm starting a month long project. Each week I'm going to gather all my packaging, take a picture, make a list of what's in there. I have a ton of packaging collected after just one day! Then I'm going to figure out what I can do to eliminate packaging in our life. I already figured out how to make vinegar, mustard and Joel's favorite cereal.
Not that it adds up to much but Tom and I are now making our own bread. It's mostly whole wheat walnut and a bit of olive oil. It's damn fine and we save some packaging there!
Hey Bessie, this is cool.
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