Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Letter from Ila

I was very surprised to receive a letter from Ila on my birthday. How adorable is this??

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Dad help me set up this account while you were taking your shower. He's doing the typing, but the words are all mine.

I wanted to start by debriefing you on the birthing event. First off, good work!! Everyone was excellent and I really couldn't have asked for a better birthing event. Your choice of the hospital, doula, midwife and, of course, dad shows excellent discrimination on your part. I hope you can give me the low down on you skillz after I'm more conversant, in another couple of years.

As for the residential experience: lovin' it. The food is excellent, can't get enough. The beds are comfy as is the decor. Saucey the cat is sweet. I look forward to tormenting her over the coming years. The service around here is excellent too, I call, and someone is there almost immediately.

Points where improvement can be made are singular: my hiney hurts. Make sure you and Pa get that fixed up soon.

Dad asked me to give you a word for your birthday. After some reflection, on the changing table, I've decided to give you "intrepid." It is defined as "Resolutely courageous; fearless." I don't have a coherent rationale for choosing that word; like my father, some of my thought processes are more intuitive in nature, derived from a latent internal aesthetic. In other words: it just feels right.

Dad also thought it would be nice if I typed a message for you myself. Please forgive the spelling and punctuation, I am, after all, only two weeks old.

i wuv
momnmmi yu r guud mommmi
hppi burth day
i wuv u
u r mi mommni



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