A few days ago, Ila and I met with her new buddy Joaquin and Joaquin's mom Jennifer for lunch. Joaquin was born a week before Ila and is a content little guy. Jennifer and her husband Carlos were in our baby class -- and Carlos plays guitar just like Joel! Jennifer and I had strangely similar birth experiences, at least in the pushing phase. Jennifer had an even longer time pushing her little guy out -- 3 1/2 hours. Ouch. During lunch, Jennifer and I traded baby tricks and birth stories. What a godsend to have someone else you like, learning to be a mom at the same time!

Here's a snap of Ila in her new pants. Sassy! She's just about to doze off in her swing. I bought her pants at Target yesterday. Just as we were leaving the house, we rounded the corner and the air was filled with a buzzing sound, was greyish and filled with...........bees! Or wasps! I was stunned and yelled for Joel (Ila was oblivious), he shocked me back into action and urged me to get out of there! It was just like a scene in a horror film, I've never seen anything like it. After I left, Joel called the building management and apparently they came and sprayed the swarm. I can see a dead bee or wasp out the window on my back porch! Thank god we were spared being stung. This was truly a SHOCKING and HORRIBLE sight!!
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