who, what, where?
Who? Other babies! Today Joel and I took Ila to meet some new buddies at a local group for new parents. It was great, as we learned alternate treatments for thrush (yeast infection in baby's mouth), how to take a baby to a movie, that other babies cry like they are being tortured when they are in their carseats, and ways and times to transition babies out of the parents beds. We even shared a few tips with the other babies: take your parents to a drive in movie, and tell them to turn the hair dryer on when you get your diaper changed to make a white noise delight out of diaper time.
What? Weird products:
Touch Rubik's Cube: Do a rubic's cube blindfolded or give it as a gift to a sightless friend.
Bouncing Digital Camera: Ila might like this one in a few years.

Brief Safe: A nice place to stash you cash. A fake pair of soiled underpants.
RSStroom Reader: Personal News Delivery system. Get the latest news printed on your toilet paper. I guess it makes sense if you take a long time in the bathroom...
Where? Ila is getting used to being carried in the Baby Bjorn, and now she and I have been taking a long walk every day? What joy to get out in the nice weather! Where will we go today?
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