The White Party

Every year, The Domes (Davis's experimental student housing complex)has a white party. Everyone dresses in white, the trees are bedecked with Christmas lights and free loving people come out of the woodwork. These free loving people drink gin and tonics, listen to loud music, smoke lots of pot apparently, dance and watch fire dancing. Last year we went when Ila was just a wee fetus, and this year, we took Ila in the flesh. Yes, yes, I confess she should have been sleeping. But she awoke naturally and we couldn't resist donning our white garb and schlepping down the block to watch the hippies and art freaks space out.
Did Ila think she was dreaming? She very well could have. She had a look of open-mouthed awe when she was watching the fire dancers. I couldn't help feel a tad bit guilty, would this be too stimulating for her, too weird in the middle of her night? But I settled myself when I thought about babies in India who are brought to late night festivals, and though the white party was pretty darn surreal, it could never top some of the things that happen in the magical nights of India. Ila will be just fine. And indeed she slept very well, and had a great day today. Don't Joel and Ila look cute in their white garb?