Thursday, December 21, 2006

Elf Girl

If you haven't seen it yet, check out Ila the Elfin Wonder.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Stick Magnetic Ribbons on your SUV

Monday, December 18, 2006

One, Two, Three... You're Up!

Not only did little miss do a real honest to god crawl yesterday, today she pulled up to standing. Way to go, little miss!

Fun 'n' Games

Ila and I have been having a lot of fun recently. Here are some snaps of some of our new games. One game is "Napkin Dance" where I entertain her with a funny dance with brightly colored napkins (starting with two and pulling out more and more). The first time we played she was truly delirious. She looked like she was on drugs and was tripping, she was so happy.

The other game is "Tape Measure." I let Ila pull out the tape measure. And I show her how it snaps back in. Its all very safe, in case you're worried about her little fingers getting hurt with the tape measure.

Not pictured is "Play with the Cat" where Ila joins in the fun (with the cat) of chasing the cat toy. She really likes it.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Joel's present

I know many of you are waiting with bad breath to find out what Joel's birthday present was. If the suspense is killing you, click here for a gander. He was quite surprised, especially since I had it shipped to our home in his name.