Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Fun and Funny videos

Some funny videos to watch while you're waiting to have a baby...

This is a trailer of footage from "The Shining" (the ominous movie starring Jack Nicholson) recut to make the movie look like a feelgood treat.

Shingo Mama No Oha Rock!
Translates to: Shingo Mama's Mornin' Rock. A cross-dressing Japanese singer, Shingo Mama, advocates the use of "oha" as an abbreviation for the Japanese greeting ohayƍ which means "good morning". Lots of random "oha"-spouting people bop in and out to join in the fun. Includes a cameo appearance of James Brown, just because. Apparently this somehow turned into a Japanese government campaign for family communication. If you like this, you can also check out Shingo Mama No Oha live!

How to Fold a Shirt
If you're a closet domestic, be sure to check out this video, it is soooooooooooo cool! Who would know folding a shirt perfectly could be so easy!

The Axeman
For fans of rock guitar only, the axeman really gets going halfway through this video.

Ping Pong Game

Japanese comedy sketch. Gets really good midway.

Elektronik Supersonik
Rock Video from Molvanian superstar "Vlad"

Monday, March 20, 2006

3 days late and counting...

So, our baby was due last Friday, March 17. That day came and went with little fanfare. The next day came and went, as did the next, and today's almost over. where is that dang baby!

Today, I met with the midwife, and she said we're doing all the right things to bring on labor, not much else can be done. I got a phone call from my friend Gabrielle who told me both her kids were 10 days late, so that settled my mind a bit. My friend Riquelle told me she'd send me some good energy, and she's so powerful it might just work...

We're just waiting for the little peach pit to come out. Our doula said to just relax and forget about labor, soon enough I'll be breathing through contractions. That was nice to hear, as she's assisted over 450 births!

So tonight I went to a Turkish cooking class -- the second in a series I've been to with my mom. We made hummus, ayran (yogurt drink -- try it with carbonated water), turkish coffee, baked fettucini (surprisingly good and I can imagine its subtle flavor would pair well with the tangy salads we made in the previous class), and turkish black-eyed pea salad. Yum. All this for only $5 a class! Now I'm going to listen to my favorite new cd by Dengue Fever, Cambodian/American pop!

Joel's at school cranking away at the transportation paper that won't go away. He's basically buried in schoolwork, though fortunately has a sharp work partner named Darius. Sounds like they are pulling one another through a never-ending assignment. I mean, it must be bad, Joel came home and picked up 2 lone beers we had in the fridge that were left over from a party. I have to chuckle, cos Joel rarely drinks, those two must be suffering!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Jackson Oakley

Important Note: This is not our baby, it's our nephew!

Doug and Susan's baby, Jackson Campbell Oakley arrived on Monday March 6, one day before he was due. He is so adorable and a hearty 8 lbs, 4 oz. We trekked down to San Francisco to meet him yesterday where he was resting in the hospital with his mom and dad. He is such a sweet baby -- and he nurses really well. Doug and Susan seem so comfortable with him. Doug keeps cracking jokes and Susan has to keep from laughing so her stiches don't bust. Grammy brought him a lovely little silver baby rattle as a gift.

We had a nice dinner at the Le Metro Cafe (excellent prix fixe before 6:30, only $14) and toasted a long and happy life to Jackson!

As we drove home, we couldn't believe that it will just be days (or weeks) until we have our own little baby.

Friday, March 03, 2006

America's Funnyman

Last weekend we went to see Joel's favorite, Neil Hamburger, "America's Funnyman." Sure to offend many, we had lots of hearty chuckles. It's impossible to capture his hubristic and sadsack, washed-up comic persona in writing. Not to mention his completely reckless jokes. Best see him in person.

We were also delighted at the appearance of "The Commodore" -- a wacked out cohort of the band The Poontang Wranglers. The Commodore just read a bunch of blue jokes with horrible delivery and laughed the whole time. But with his mysterious accent and artful dodging of the pressure from the band to stop short, he charmed us.

After the show, we went backstage to snap a picture of a pregnant Bessie with Neil Hamburger. Joel and I had both separately decided it was necessary to document. I was especially happy that I got Mr. Hamburger to chuckle when I asked to get a picture with "the real father."