Saturday, September 30, 2006

The White Party

Every year, The Domes (Davis's experimental student housing complex)has a white party. Everyone dresses in white, the trees are bedecked with Christmas lights and free loving people come out of the woodwork. These free loving people drink gin and tonics, listen to loud music, smoke lots of pot apparently, dance and watch fire dancing. Last year we went when Ila was just a wee fetus, and this year, we took Ila in the flesh. Yes, yes, I confess she should have been sleeping. But she awoke naturally and we couldn't resist donning our white garb and schlepping down the block to watch the hippies and art freaks space out.

Did Ila think she was dreaming? She very well could have. She had a look of open-mouthed awe when she was watching the fire dancers. I couldn't help feel a tad bit guilty, would this be too stimulating for her, too weird in the middle of her night? But I settled myself when I thought about babies in India who are brought to late night festivals, and though the white party was pretty darn surreal, it could never top some of the things that happen in the magical nights of India. Ila will be just fine. And indeed she slept very well, and had a great day today. Don't Joel and Ila look cute in their white garb?

Friday, September 29, 2006

6 months!

Can you believe it? She made it!!!

So many milestones this month: the last day of being purely breastfed. The tastes of solid foods (will I ever forget the smile Ila made when she first tasted applesauce?) First bath in the bathroom sink. Sitting up. First hike in the Sierras. First time to be hung on a clothesline.

Happy half birthday, Ila!

Who loves you, baby?

I do. I can't stand it, I love you so much!

On the Road: Part 2

Travelling to Seattle is so much fun. Not only do we get to be treated to lots of yummy meals, but we get to see family, family, family. Ila got to meet her cousins Elliot and Asher for the first time, and Elliot and Ila really hit it off. Elliot wanted to hold Ila and was a gentle little chap with her. And of course, Ila got to see grandma and grandpa, and her Auntie and Uncle,too.

We also got to see Elliot do a climb on a rock wall. Pretty daring for a little guy, don't you think?

We went to a nice park and Ila got her first thrilling swing ride. Joel just gave her some mighty pushes...and she loved it. Oh my god, I barely bear the beauty of her cheery smile and kicking legs. I'm melting...

On the Road: Part 1

The Cabin and Reno.

We actually got a summer vacation this year! We spent a glorious week at our cabin in the eastern Sierras, and Ila had her first hikes amongst the Jeffrey pines and granite rock.

Ila loves to watch the trees. Amazingly, the lulling of hiking caused her to fall asleep in the Baby Bjorn, a feat she has never done before or since. On the way back, we stopped in Reno, and Ila had her first solid food as Grammy and crew looked on. Rice Cereal. She was so into it she was grunting. Adorable. One sad noteto the trip: what we thought was teething turned out to be an ear infection.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ila Meets her Maker

Ila's a swinger!

I just wish someone would join her.

Back to Basics

Ok, I've neglected my favorite little superstar lately. Here are a few snaps of Miss Ila of late. One picture is with Rivkah, who was visiting from Texas. Mommy Dearest, also pictured, is slowly recovering from the trauma of pregnancy and giving birth. I almost look normal again!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Brother from Another Planet

Staying with my brother is so fun. His wife and kid are out of town, so I had a wonderful time just eating, talking, watching Crank Yankers, and walking around the neighborhood with him. Of course Doug had to work, so I spent a lot of time lounging with the baby.

I was looking at some of his wonderful photos (he's a professional) and he inspired me to use my photographer's eye a bit more when I snap photos. He gave me a few juicy tips. How about this one for portraits: When he's setting up for a portrait photo shoot, he chats with the person and watches the person's body language as he's getting ready. When he notices a good, natural position, he tells them "Hold it right there" -- and of course they move. Then he reminds them what they were doing (say standing with their arms folded across their chest) and ask them to strike the pose again. Since its a natural position, they feel comfortable and the photo looks good.

Doug said since he's a professional photographer, noone ever takes photos of him, so I though I would catch him in action.

Here's Doug doing an interesting project -- to drain water off of his backyard, which floods in the winter. He's laying pipe, so to speak, (isn't that a term for taking a poo, too?) to divert the water that both runs off his roof and accumulates in his backyard. The project involves perforated pipe buried in the backyard, covered with gravel, a porous fabric, then topped with dirt which flows out to the street. Its a pretty ingenious way of moving the water along, and used by a lot of his neighbors.

Setting Fire

I love this quote by the wonderful Bengali poet and visionary, Rabidranath Tagore. I just came across it. For me, the last line seems to be an explanation of my way of life. Perhaps the fire isn't a blazing bonfire, but a regularly kindled flame.

Light, where is the light? Light the fire, if you have desire!
Thunder, rushing wind, nothingness.
Black night, black stone.
Don't let your whole life go by in the dark.
Evidently the only way to find the path is to set fire to my own life.