Saturday, October 13, 2007

Catching the wind

The months have blurred by with fascinating changes in our little girl. She's such a magical little gal and amuses us every day. She's been going part time to a Montessori daycare (and learning to nap without being nursed!) for the past 2 weeks. I'm thrilled to have a little time, and Ila really likes going there to play!

Funny things Ila's been doing the past week or so:

Throws her head back and howls like a wolf that appears in her book "Papa Papa"

After today's trip to a petting farm, she reminisced about holding a baby kitten by holding her arms in front of her as if she were cradling a kitten. And she demonstrated on both her and my shirt how a calf was nibbling on my clothes.

Finally managed to walk in both of mommy's shoes.

Hides her eyes in a peek-a-boo-esque fashion whenever I mention the name of her cute friendly pal from daycare, Matteo.

Randomly hugs the legs of other moms and dads we're around.

Takes her shoes off after weeks of trying.

Says "yeah" to many questions, including Joel's interrogation. "Do you know the President?" "Yeah." "Have you had tea with the queen?" "Yeah."

Asked daddy to put her in the swing and then said "bubbles." She wanted daddy to blow bubbles at her while she was swinging. She's a bubble maniac.

Sort of says "rise and shine" in the morning when she wakes up (if prompted).

Does double-duty doll care with two cute little sleeping cloth dolls we borrowed from the Toy Library. She covers them with blankets and pats them as she does her other dolls. But "Pip" and "Pap" are always together.