What happens when Ila takes her first extended train ride to Reno? Why, of course, the train is 2 hours late. What was supposed to be a 6 hour train ride becomes an 8 hour...journey. But our little heroine can make it, can't she? Of course she can! She's a trooper! But then our dear little gal happens upon... high altitudes over the Sierra mountains? A giant bubble of air trapped in her tummy?
Well, as you may guess, some fateful event sent our dear Little Miss into a paroxysm of screams and shrieks the likes of which hasn't been heard since April. Mama must make a quick decision. Where to go? How to not annoy all the other passengers? Aha! I recall a lounge attached to a bathroom downstairs! Little Miss is secreted away to the dungeon-like quarters to scream her little heart out (although the question remains: can you secret a shrieking baby?). Poor Little Miss was swaddled, shushed and all the appropriate baby calming techniques... to no avail! She kvetched her little heart out for at least an hour. Thank god Grammy was there to help. And then, a giant burp and a deep sleep.

Once we arrived in Reno, we were greeted by Jeanne and Kyler. Kyler was so happy to see his Grammy and thrilled to see "Baby Ila." Kyler and Ila had a great time together, it was adorable to watch Kyler watch Ila. Although he's two years old, he wanted to copy Ila, and put his fingers in his mouth when he saw her do the same. He even asked Jeanne to change his diaper like a baby, down on the floor, requesting that she use wipes. I don't know, the little guy is so cute, and so good with Ila.
Dave, Kyler's dad, gives him a horsey ride each night before bed. Joel got Ila into the action, and she got a horsey ride on Kyler. Cute, eh?